Therapeutic Focus

Mito Biopharma has a proprietary platform technology for developing small-molecule mitochondrial modulators (see Our Technology). The company has a strong focus on liver-based diseases, which continue to represent a high unmet need. We have developed leads for treating NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis), type 2 diabetes, and metastatic liver cancer. In addition, we are also developing leads for liver-based orphan diseases related to metabolic imbalance and metabolic defects in the liver.
Although NASH was described over 35 years ago, it was only recently that the potential of viable treatments emerged. Yet, the hurdle of meeting FDA guidelines on the resolution of steatosis and impacting liver fibrosis remains challenging despite many companies entering this therapeutic space. Mito Biopharma’s ability to compete in this challenging therapeutic area relates to our differentiating and patent-protected technology that dissipates lipid accumulation of liver cells and inhibits hepatic fibrosis, which are critical causative factors of NASH and NASH progression.